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FTSE ASFA Index Series

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia provides numerous resources for the superannuation industry and general public.

For a clearer picture of performance

Superannuation funds in Australia rely on indices to benchmark their fund’s performance, communicate this to their members, and to assess the performance of their fund managers. Traditionally, superannuation funds have used indices calculated on a pre-tax basis for benchmarking purposes. This can create a misalignment between superannuation funds and their fund managers as some investment decisions are attractive on a pre-tax basis but harm after-tax performance.

As a result, an increasing number of superannuation funds are now measuring their fund managers on an after-tax basis using the FTSE ASFA Australia Index Series. The FTSE ASFA Australia Index Series provides a range of benchmarking solutions for superannuation funds and other institutional investors to better align investment decisions with tax positions.

The FTSE ASFA Australia Index Series offers a broad investable coverage of the Australian equity market in addition to tax-adjusted indexes. The index series is designed primarily for benchmarking purposes with the ability to customise at the portfolio level for a more tailored solution. The series is also used as the basis for the creation of index-linked products such as ETFs,structured products and other derivatives.

To discuss the FTSE ASFA Australia Index Series, please contact FTSE Russell on (02) 8823 3521

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