
As the peak body for the entire industry, ASFA is a leading voice on the issues affecting superannuation.

Welcome to the Media Centre

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia is available for comment on a range of issues relating to superannuation and retirement incomes adequacy.

If you would like a quote, interview or background information in relation to superannuation, please call the media team.

Media Contacts

For information and research on the superannuation and retirement industry, email the media unit.

As the peak body for the entire superannuation industry, ASFA is a leading voice on the issues affecting all super funds – retail funds, industry funds, corporate funds and public sector funds – their members, and service providers to the industry.

Media Enquries

Media manager
mob: 0451 949 300
Contact Form

For Superfunds magazine enquiries, please Contact the Superfunds team.

About ASFA: the Voice of Super

ASFA is the peak policy, research and advocacy body for Australia’s superannuation and retirement industry. It is a not-for-profit, non-party political and non-sector aligned association representing fund members, retail, industry, corporate and public sector funds as well as service providers to the industry.

Collectively, superannuation funds in ASFA’s membership represent over 90 per cent of all Australians holding superannuation accounts.

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