
The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia provides numerous resources for the superannuation industry and general public.

Superfunds Magazine

Superfunds magazine is the superannuation industry’s premier publication and provides in-depth analysis and insight into Australian superannuation issues.

Superannuation Statistics

The latest industry figures, compiled by the ASFA Research Centre, including the number of superannuation funds and assets.

Super Guru

The Super Guru website is a consumer-oriented independent resource for Australians of all ages and stages of their life; providing information to help them understand their superannuation.

FTSE ASFA Australia Index Series

The FTSE ASFA Australia Index Series allows superannuation funds to measure their external fund managers’ performance on an after-tax basis.

ASFA Retirement Standard

The ASFA Retirement Standard benchmarks the annual budget needed by Australians to fund either a comfortable or modest standard of living in their post-work years.

ASFA Economic Snapshot

Key data that reveals the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial and economic conditions.

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