Statement on the announcement of the retirement of the Hon. Stephen Jones MP

Media Release | 30 January 2025

ASFA, the voice of super, recognises the significant contributions of Minister Stephen Jones, who has been a dedicated advocate for the superannuation community throughout his parliamentary career.

The sector has particularly recognised the last three years of Minister Jones’ tenure as Minister for Financial Services as a “transformative period of reform” according to CEO, Mary Delahunty.  

Minister Jones has been instrumental in ensuring that Australia’s superannuation system remains strong and continues to provide financial security for millions of Australians in retirement. His commitment to strengthening consumer protections, setting mandatory service standards, and engaging with industry stakeholders has been invaluable in building a more transparent and reliable system. 

Throughout his tenure, Minister Jones worked closely with ASFA and the broader superannuation sector on key policy initiatives. With a focus on improving equity and expanding universality across the system, highlights of the past three years include: 

  • Increasing the super guarantee to 12% 
  • Providing superannuation on top of government-provided paid parental leave 
  • Progress towards Payday Super 
  • Progress on ensuring the provision more affordable and accessible financial advice 
  • Enshrining the objective of superannuation into legislation 

“Minister Jones has been a true partner to the superannuation community, always willing to roll up his sleeves and engage with the complexities of the system. His commitment to collaboration and meaningful change has make a real difference for millions for Australians for generations to come. On a personal note, I have always found that not only has Minister Jones always had an open door for sector representatives – he has basically taken the door off its hinges. This genuine commitment to conversation has been a hallmark of his approach and a great example for others,” ASFA CEO Mary Delahunty said. 

“We are immensely grateful for his leadership to help deliver better outcomes for all Australians. His legacy will endure, and we wish him all the very best in his next chapter.” 


For further information, please contact:

ASFA Media Manager Richard Garfield, 0451 949 300.

About the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA)

ASFA, the voice of super, has been operating since 1962 and is the peak policy, research and advocacy body for Australia’s superannuation industry. ASFA represents the APRA regulated superannuation industry with over 100 organisations as members from corporate, industry, retail and public sector funds, and service providers. We develop policy positions through collaboration with our diverse membership base and use our deep technical expertise and research capabilities to assist in advancing outcomes for Australians.  

We unite the superannuation community, supporting our members with research, advocacy, education and collaboration to help Australians enjoy a dignified retirement. We promote effective practice and advocate for efficiency, sustainability and trust in our world-class retirement income system. 

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