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Australian super funds making their mark on the world stage

Media Release 4 September 2018

4 September 2018

Australian super funds making their mark on the world stage

The strength and success of Australian superannuation funds in delivering good investment outcomes for their members has boosted the world ranking of Australian superannuation funds.

New research released today by Willis Towers Watson reveals 17 Australian superannuation funds are now included in its list of the world’s 300 largest pension (superannuation) funds.

This is up from 16 the year before and from 15, five years earlier.

ASFA CEO Dr Martin Fahy said Australian super funds had continued to amass wealth for their members, with the Australian funds in the top 300 list now accounting for around four per cent of the total assets of the top 300 funds.

Australian funds had some of the highest growth rates of the funds in the list (up by 13.4 per cent in A$ terms and 7.1 per cent in US$ terms). Substantial growth in the value of equities helped drive this outcome.

APRA regulated funds (funds other than Self-Managed Superannuation Funds) as at June 2018 had nearly $400 billion in Australian listed shares, a further $64 billion in unlisted shares and more than $400 billion in international shares.

They also had nearly $90 billion invested in infrastructure investments.

“These investments are both underpinning economic activity in Australia and around the world and growing retirement savings for Australians,” Dr Fahy said.

“In an era where the focus is all too often on the short term, Australian superannuation funds are increasingly becoming the source of patient, long-term investment capital for Australian businesses.

“They also are helping finance the building of physical assets for this country – the pipelines, ports, roads, shopping centres, office blocks and factories that Australian businesses and consumers need.”

For further information, please contact:
Katrina Horrobin, 0451 949 300.

About ASFA
ASFA is the peak policy, research and advocacy body for Australia’s superannuation industry. It is a not-for-profit, sector-neutral, and non-party political, national organisation. ASFA’s mission is to continuously improve the superannuation system, so all Australians can enjoy a comfortable and dignified retirement.

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