13 October 2017
Chris Hemsworth, Beyonce, Jon Snow, Hugh Jackman, Moon travel and Byron Bay feature in dream retirements
Nearly 1,000 Australians pledged to boost their super during this year’s Super Booster Day campaign.
The annual campaign is designed to raise awareness about the importance of superannuation and improve financial and super literacy.
Money magazine Editor Effie Zahos and Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) CEO Dr Martin Fahy today announced five Super Booster Day competition winners whose super balances got a boost of $1,000.
“We asked people to describe their dream retirement in 25 words or less and received a wide range of interesting and amusing entries, many with common themes around freedom in a post-work life,” they said.
“The winners’ money will compound via their super and deliver significant returns and we thank them for sharing their retirement dreams.”
The winners are:
Karina Rosato from Adelaide, South Australia – Freedom, freedom, and more freedom! Freedom to travel, free from financial worries, free from health issues and full of loved ones.
Kellie Bright from Belmont, Victoria – It’ll look nothing like my parents’ BORING retirement lifestyle! I’ll host epic Beyonce-themed dance parties in my assisted living unit…strictly for over 55s!
Charmaine Tham from Gungahlin, ACT – I love my husband, but I would like to have sufficient funds to keep him busy so I won’t have to deal with him 24/7.
Luke Giles from Cockatoo, Victoria – My dream retirement leaves me in a position where I am free to read as many books as I like and help others.
Robert Bushby from Willagee, Western Australia – My wife genuinely happy with being in my presence 7 full days a week!
Other entries that nearly made the cut for a super boost included:
- Freedom to turn heaters/coolers on, freedom to travel, eat and visit. Freedom and choice.
- Chris Hemsworth in Thor! There’ll be lots of travel, flowing blonde locks, big muscles, a hammer for renovations and never having to worry about money!!
- A frequent flyer on Virgin Galactic to have lunch on Moon, watch sunset from outer space before returning to Earth for dinner with the grandchildren.
- No commute. Stress free. Rural living. CWA scones on tap.
- Sitting on the deck of my beach house in Byron Bay and watching the humpbacks frolic in the water while the sun sets.
- Sitting on the iron throne with Jon Snow by my side. The war is over. *cheers*
- Gazing out the window of the plane, admiring the Swiss Alps sipping on a wine whilst sitting next to Hugh Jackman, You did say dream.
- I’d build a house made of avocado and toast. Who says you can’t have your house and, uh, eat avocados too?
- Spoiling grandkids with no care, Always having cash for dying grey hair, Travelling like we won lotto, all because we “boosted our super” decades ago!!
Super Booster Day is proudly supported this year by: ASFA and Super Guru; Bauer Media and Money magazine; Cbus; ING Direct; QSuper; Sunsuper; and, UniSuper.
For further information, please contact:
Teresa Mullan, Media Manager, 0451 949 300.
About ASFA
ASFA is the peak policy, research and advocacy body for Australia’s superannuation industry. It is a not-for-profit, sector-neutral and non-party political, national organisation. ASFA’s mission is to continuously improve the superannuation system so people can live in retirement with increasing prosperity. We focus on the issues that affect the entire superannuation system and represent more than 90 per cent of the 14.8 million Australians with superannuation.