Issue 559, 2 March 2015 

Indigenous Superannuation Working Group launches discussion paper/Summit 

Over the years, there have been a number of discussion forums that have focused on addressing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s experiences and engagement with superannuation. 

As well as this, a number of superannuation funds have invested significant resources in programs that are focused on engaging with Indigenous members, while industry associations have conducted research and started to lead conversations with their membership. 

Subsequently, a broad industry consensus began to emerge on the need to establish an industry-wide mechanism to address the raft of issues in the superannuation system that result in challenges for Indigenous Australians. The need for a collaborative approach gave rise to the Indigenous Superannuation Working Group, made up of ASFA, the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees, the Financial Services Council, Industry Super Australia and Women in Super, as well as a number of superannuation funds. 

Discussion paper
The Indigenous Superannuation Working Group has released a discussion paper, Building Better Superannuation Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, which canvasses a number of issues for Indigenous Australians in their dealings with superannuation. 

The Working Group is eager for more people to become involved in these issues, and invites feedback on the paper by 1 May 2015. Comments can be sent to Eva Scheerlinck, chair of the Working Group. 

Indigenous Super Summit
To complement the discussion paper, the Working Group have organised the Indigenous Super Summit, to be held on 1 June 2015. It will be an open forum for collaboration and debate, which provides a platform to deliver policy ideas and feedback to improve engagement and access for Indigenous communities through industry change. 

Speakers will include members from the First Nations Foundation, ASIC’s Indigenous Outreach Program, the Australian Bankers Association and more. 

The ideas and feedback from the Summit will then be collated into a report to be published and circulated to participants and key stakeholders (including the government) after the event, providing them with greater insight into how the challenges can be overcome. 

This is an exclusive, invite-only event. Attendance is complimentary, however places are limited. RSVP online by Friday 27 March 2015. 

For more information, ASFA members can contact Tony Keir, ASFA general manager, policy operations. 


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